While playing around with one of the latest models last week we realized a sad truth, “they won’t connect to our MacBook Pro!” The MacBook only has a Mini Port out which no current projectors are compatible with. One quick Google search found that there is an adapter that Apple and many 3rd party retailers sell that converts the Mini Port to a VGA femail end. Some of the newer pico projector models have direct VGA inputs that will be able to connect to this using a male/male wire. If you don’t know what this male/female lingo means, well just look it up. Basically it is just the type of end the wire has. It’s really simple stuff.
We here at Micro-projector.com ordered our Mini Port to VGA adapter off amazon today. It was only $8 compared to the $20 that the Apple brand wire goes for. Big companies make a killing off their wires and most knock offs are actually just as good for a much cheaper price. This is one area where spending more won’t necessarily get you a better product.
We will be doing a feature on how to connect your MacBook to your Pico Projector as soon as we get our new adapter in the mail (pictured below).