Creative Photography using Projectors

There are many different ways to express creativity when dealing with photography. One popular style of photography is Projector Photograph. With the right equipment and setup, you can turn your normal photoshoot into an “Art of Projection”. The main thing to focus on for projector photography is your shooting environment, your camera, and the projector that you will use. 

It is important to find the right projector for you. For projector photography, you will need at least 1080p resolution with at least 1200 lumen brightness. It is also important to know your filming location since a more portable projector might be advantageous. One recommended projector would be the AAXA 4K1 Projector with 4K native support. Modern projectors are nice with different ways to connect and mirror directly from your phone, giving you the option to create unique backdrops and lighting that are unique to you. 

Some things to bear in mind is the colour temperature of the image you are projecting.  Select  an image that’s nice and bright, with large sections of white, and just project that as your background. It will take a couple of trials to get the best shots and exposure to the projector settings, so you should keep practicing and trying different camera settings. .

According to Projector Photography – How to Use a Projector for a Creative Shoot, some techniques you should try are Try Long Exposures for Creative Effects, Movie Magic, and Use Unique backdrops. 

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