The definition of a blind spot is the area of a vehicle that cannot be observed by the operator. If you have driven any vehicle that is remotely sporty you will encounter a vehicle riddled with blind spots. A 14 year old named Alaina Gassler has designed a technology to remedy the blindspot issue that drivers encounter. Gassler uses micro projectors that cast images of what’s really behind the car onto the surface of the interior pillars!
The use of these pico projectors isn’t just for behind the car, but also for the front, as this projector technology also can project live footage of pedestrians crossing! Gassler’s projector base blindspot technology project was made for her entry in the Society for Science and the Public’s Broadcom science and engineering competition. Not only did this project win first place, but also gave Gassler the $25,000 grand prize!
The projector is just part of Gassler’s initial prototype. The next version of her blind spot invention will use liquid crystal display (LCD) monitors, similar to those used in Televisions. Gassler says this will allow the brightness to change according to the weather and time of day. With her $25,000 winnings, Gassler says that she finally has the capital to make the next version a reality!

Before you purchase your outdoor projector, you should check out the price at several retail stores. Once you find the best outdoor projector for your viewing needs at a price you can afford, you will be ready to make the purchase.