Update: Connecting Your Pico to a MacBook

Hi All!

So after receiving our adapter in the mail that we wrote about last week we realized that the adapter will plug a DVI end into the Mini-Port in the MacBook. From there you would need a second adapter that converts DVI to VGA, however doing this does not work. We were lucky enough to have one laying around and tested it out. If you don’t get the “Mini Port to VGA,” and try to convert the DVI to VGA instead, the Mac will not recognize that the projector is connected to the computer. We ordered the correct part this time and expect it soon. So in summary, only buy a Mini Port to VGA adapter to make this work.

DVI to VGA Converter
DVI to VGA Converter will not work

Gizmodo Exclusive iPhone 4 Article
Gizmodo Exclusive iPhone 4 Article

The big news this week was the leak of the next generation of the iPhone. It seems somebody from Apple left it at a bar and Gizmodo got their hands on it. While the OS is locked securely enough that nobody can get it to operate the hardware gives some big clues to the new features. There is now a camera in the front of the phone and the back. This leads us here at Micro-Projector to believe that iChat, with video chatting, will be a key new part of the iPhone. We can’t wait to see whether or not Apple includes Video out with this feature so that our pico’s can show off the person we are chatting with.

Gizmodo Article

Pico Projectors Make For the Perfect Movie Night


Sometimes it’s just not economical to take the kids out to the movie theater. What with popcorn costing $10 and a soda equally as much. A simple movie can cost over $100.

Why not put the projector up in the kids room and have a “sleepover” movie night. Well, without the sleepover maybe. But the kids will love having everyone visit their room to have fun instead of being in the living room like every other night. Spend that extra money on something good for yourself or your family (maybe a retirement fund?). You’ll thank us!

M1+ Micro Projector Connects Directly to Your Computer

Web Browsing on an M1+ Micro Projector
Web Browsing on an M1+ Micro Projector

We recently found that a few models of micro projector have began including direct VGA inputs for use with computers. The M1+ from Aaxa Technologies is one of the most powerful micro projectors on the market and has this VGA input. We call it a "micro" projector because it isn't quite a "pico." It's not small enough to fit in your pocket but is still very small and portable. It fits easily in a briefcase or small bag and weighs about as much as a can of soda.

For a full list of features check out the M1+ Micro Projector

New Video Comparing P1 to P2 Pico Projector

As every company under the sun continues to come out with their latest version of pico projector we had been hunting for a live demo to show us the real quality differences. Let’s face it, most of the models put out in the last couple years haven’t been up to par with expectations. That trend is beginning to change. The new line’s from companies like Aaxa Tech, 3M, and Optoma seem to work well as long as you aren’t in a super bright environment. Check out this video to get a real look at how fast the quality of these projectors is moving.

How to hook a Pico Projector up to a MacBook Pro

While playing around with one of the latest models last week we realized a sad truth, “they won’t connect to our MacBook Pro!” The MacBook only has a Mini Port out which no current projectors are compatible with. One quick Google search found that there is an adapter that Apple and many 3rd party retailers sell that converts the Mini Port to a VGA femail end. Some of the newer pico projector models have direct VGA inputs that will be able to connect to this using a male/male wire. If you don’t know what this male/female lingo means, well just look it up. Basically it is just the type of end the wire has. It’s really simple stuff.

We here at Micro-projector.com ordered our Mini Port to VGA adapter off amazon today. It was only $8 compared to the $20 that the Apple brand wire goes for. Big companies make a killing off their wires and most knock offs are actually just as good for a much cheaper price. This is one area where spending more won’t necessarily get you a better product.

We will be doing a feature on how to connect your MacBook to your Pico Projector as soon as we get our new adapter in the mail (pictured below).

Mini Port to DVI Adapter
Mini Port to VGA Adapter

New iPhone PicoZoo App

It’s official. Somebody just made $5 off of us and gets to go have some in-n-out burger. This is probably the only $5 they will make on this app, so they better enjoy it! Micro-projector went out to the AppStore and bought what claims to be the first app to demo an iPhone with a pico projector. Now keep in mind that youtube and all videos you have on your phone work with pico’s already, but there are not a ton of apps out yet that do.

Then comes the PicoZoo app, an application with a few free pictures of animals that uses video out. The only thing it does is show these pictures using video out. We hope that people with a little more creativity start using video out in their applications soon because this app was just depressing. Really there is no reason anyone should buy this app unless you are like us and want to pay for a cheeseburger for these developers for at least adding video out to the app.

What we would like to see is for all the big games and apps to start using video out. The possibilities with this will be huge. Here are some pictures of the app in use with an Aaxa Tech P2 pico projector.

Giant Spider on the floor!
Giant Spider on the floor!
picozoo app
picozoo app

MiLi iPhone Projector Review

MiLi iPhone Projector
MiLi iPhone Projector

Blogs everywhere have been announcing that the new MiLi iPhone projector recently started being distributed. This little guy first caught people’s attention back at CES as one of the most visually attractive pico projectors as of yet. The case design is a masterpiece that is sure to impress. The MiLI flips open and becomes a dock for your iPhone or iPod and projects images and video.

At first glimpse you would expect the MiLi to be a game changer with its futuristic design. After taking a look under the hood and turning it on your expectations hit the floor. The MiLi, while looking futuristic, is a thing of the past. It boasts only 10 lumens and 640×480 resolution. In short, it’s an expensive ($400!) fancy looking toy. Most users won’t be able to get any practical use out of it. Even in dark rooms the MiLi can’t put out the type of quality that most people would expect.

If you are in the market for a fancy looking toy for your kids and have the money the MiLi might be a good choice. Just hope that nobody ever turns it on.

Mili IPhone Projector video from CES on picoprojector-info.com

New Sapphire 101 LCoS based Pico Projector

Sapphire 101 Pico Projector
Sapphire 101 Pico Projector

We just finished reading a review from over at Crunchgear.com on the new Sapphire 101 LCoS based pico projector and thought we would share it with you.

The Sapphire 101 boasts 15 lumens and a 640 x 480 native resolution. Crunchgear has quite the sense of humor when it comes to pico’s and didn’t have very nice things to say about this one in particular. The largest complaint was the over $500 price tag while having less features than most other models. But like they say, “competition is good.”

Check out the full CrunchGear review here